Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology And Nuclear Medicine

Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine

Oncology services provide evidence-based multidisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic applications to patients with cancer. The emphasis is on gastrointestinal/hepatopancreaticobiliary malignancies and other related tumors like neuroendocrine tumors, GIST, and GI lymphoma. While the treatment strategy is scientific and evidence-based, it is individualized considering patient's social and economic profiles. Palliative care with pain management is an essential component along-with the cancer-directed therapy. Hospital based cancer registry is being run at ILBS under the National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research, ICMR.

Hepatology Group Photo

Medical Oncology

The services include an oncology daycare and inpatient ward. The department provides screening, diagnosis and treatment for cancers affecting the digestive and other systems. Evidence-based chemotherapy protocols as per the standard guidelines are followed. Chemotherapy is administered with supportive treatment and a tender loving nursing care. Provisions for PICC line and chemoport insertion are available. Targeted molecular therapy and immunotherapy is practiced as per scientific evidence. Precision medicine is an evolving area in cancer treatment with potential for minimal side-effects. Individualised cancer treatment based on the patient-specific tumor markers, receptor testing, mutation testing, and/or next generation sequencing is recommended. Our team is well experienced and has a special expertise in managing all gastrointestinal malignancies, head and neck cancers, breast cancers and all adult and pediatric solid tumors and hematological disorders. We are in the process of starting Bone Marrow Transplantation services as well.


Radiation Oncology

A state-of-the-art linear accelerator (Versa HDTM) is utilized for evidence-based treatment of cancers with external radiotherapy with energy of 6 MV, 10 MV, 15 MV X-rays, and electron therapy. The linear accelerator machine is equipped for KV, MV, and CBCT image guidance. The department is well-equipped with mouldroom , 4 - DCT simulator , and computerized treatment planning system. Provisions for advanced radiation technologies like IGRT, SBRT, SRS/SRT, VMAT, IMRT, and 3- DCRT for all cancers are available. Advanced treatment with SBRT for hepatopancreaticobiliary cancers is a special area of expertise at ILBS. Motion management with respiratory gating is available for precise targeting of tumors. There is provision for 4-D CT for defining tumor motion along the breathing cycle. Focused and conformal radiation delivery to tumor target with sparing of normal tissues is the intent of radiotherapy for providing best outcome and quality of life to patients with cancer. Our team of well trained and experienced oncologists, physicists, and technologists work together for providing best care to patients. Our team has treated a considerable number of patients with radiation therapy for liver cancer and/or portal vein tumor thrombus and has developed skills required in this challenging field. The department is involved in providing specialized training in advanced technologies especially for HPB and GI malignancies.

Hepatology Group Photo Hepatology Group Photo

Nuclear Medicine

With advancements in technology and research, management of various cancers are being increasingly directed at the molecular and cellular levels in the form of targeted therapies. The assessment of disease status and response rates are increasingly being relied upon functional and metabolic signatures over and above the morphological changes. The need for a more precise diagnosis, prognostication of diseases and personalized medicine has moved the entire world like never seen before and ILBS is no exception. ILBS is running dedicated nuclear medicine facilities with a state-of-the-art 128-slice time-of- flight PET-CT. The uniqueness of PET-CT lies on its ability to non-invasively assess diseases at the metabolic and molecular levels. Our team has gained special expertise in defining utility and interpretation of PET-CECT in hepatopancreatobiliary and gastrointestinal malignancies. The PET- CT machine is configured and utilized for the purpose of radiation planning CT and/or 4-DCT. The institute is looking forward to procuring a 16-slice state-of-the-art SPECT-CT machine and establishing nuclear medicine therapy ward for Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) and other high dose nuclear medicine therapies.

Hepatology Group Photo

Indications of PET - CT:

Oncological Indications Non-oncological Indications
  • Differentiation of benign and malignant lesions
  • Staging of malignant diseases
  • Response evaluation in malignant diseases
  • Restaging (or surveillance) of malignant diseases
  • Differentiation of tumor recurrence from treatment related changes
  • Unknown primary malignancy
  • Metabolic biopsy
  • RT planning in malignant diseases
  • Grading/prognostication of tumors
  • Evaluation before liver transplantation
  • Neurooncology

Whole Body PET-CT

  • Vasculitis
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Orthopedic prosthesis infections
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Fever of unknown origin
  • Tuberculosis
  • Other infective/inflammatory conditions


  • Differential diagnosis of dementia; mild cognitive impairment
  • Epilepsy
  • Movement disorders
  • Neurosarcoidosis

Cardiac FDG PET-CT

  • Evaluation of myocardial viability
  • Cardiac sarcoidosis

Services Rendered

Services 2022 2023
Medical Oncology OPD 832 1922
Radiation Oncology OPD 1900 1024
Oncology Daycare 982 1164
Oncology IPD 5 18
IPD Consultations 242 409
Nuclear Medicine: PET-CT 1530 1812
RT Planning CT 173 164
4-D CT 55 74
Number of Radiation Treatments 2578 1764
Patients treated with radiotherapy 169 159
Radiation Techniques:-
SBRT 69 82
VMAT 65 41
IGRT 1 3
3-DCRT 2 3
Palliative RT 30 30
Others 2 -

New services & facilities

  • Irradiation of blood products

Educational Activities

Tumor Board meeting, journal club, and grand rounds held on a regular basis.

Courses offered

Course No. of seats
Post Doctoral Certificate Course in HPB and GI Advanced Radiation Oncology 3
Post Doctoral Certificate Course in GI Medical Oncology 3

Department's Achievements

Research activity in the Department:

  • Hospital Based Cancer Registries in India under National Cancer Registry Programme through ICMR-NCDIR
  • Clinical trials on hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Data analysis in HPB cancers
  • Immune response post SBRRT
  • Cell free DNA in HCC

Visiting faculty to the department in 2023

Name Institution
Dr. Chandan Guha, Radiation Oncologist Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, USA
Dr. Lara Lipton, Medical Oncologist Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia


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