Manual 4 - Norms set for the discharge of functions
Norms set for the discharge of functions
(Section 4(1) (b) (iv) )
Details of norms and standards set out can be given in respect of various activities. Some of the norms are indicated below as an illustration:
Teaching programs for super-specialities related to Hepato-Biliary and Pancreatic Sciences
- DM (Hepatology)
- DM (Organ Transplant Anaesthesia and Critical Care),
- DM (Paediatric Hepatology)
- M.Ch. ( Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery)
PDCC courses in
- Liver Transplant Anaesthesia,
- HPB Interventional Radiology,
- Pediatric Hepatology,
- Hepato-pathology,
- Renal Replacement Therapy,
Certificate Course in Renal Replacement Therapy,
Ph.D. program in Biomedical Sciences.
ILBS holds a very good internal academic program. Every Monday, there is a presentation by a faculty member, where various protocols, new research protocols are discussed. In addition, every Thursday, the Residents and students from various departments present and discuss interesting clinical cases. Clinico-Pathological Conference (CPC) is conducted on last Thursday of every month. Besides, there are lectures by visiting faculties from various International Institutes throughout the year. Also, various CME/conferences are organized at ILBS. Various events such as Hepatitis Day, World Kidney Day, World Hepatitis Day, Liver Transplant Oration, Foundation Day are celebrated during the year. The faculty also participates in various national and international conferences to update their skills. There is pre-clinical teaching and demonstration to students and interns.
Besides, emergency services, various specialized services in the field of liver and biliary diseases are offered as under:
- Hepatology
Adult Hepatology Services offered include GI Bleed Unit, Liver Coma Unit, Liver Pressure, ERCP, ESWL, EUS, Fibroscan, Liver biopsy, RFA, TACE, TIPS, Liver Dialysis etc.
- Pediatric Hepatology
Pediatric Hepatology Services include diagnostic and therapeutic pediatric GI endoscopies, procedures like hepatic vein pressure and hepatic vein angioplasty as well as stenting, age and clinical profile appropriate protocol based approach to various metabolic liver diseases in neonates and children, pediatric hepatobiliary surgeries
- Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery
Services offered include hepato pancreato biliary surgery, surgical gastroenterology, liver transplantation, emergency surgical services.
- Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine
Specialized anaesthesia services for operative procedures, endoscopic and radiological interventions, ambulatory and day care services, liver transplant anaesthesia for liver and renal transplants as also for deceased organ retrieval and transplant, acute and chronic pain management services, anaesthesia services for neonatal and pediatric patients.
- Laboratory Medicine
Includes services relating to pathology, biochemistry, microbiology, virology,
- Radiology and Interventional radiology
Services offered include CT, MRI. Interventional radiology include FNA, RFA, TACE, TIPS, DIPS, PTBD, BRTO etc.
- Transfusion Medicine Department provides highest quality of transfusion support and the department is running 24/7 blood bank services.
- Nephrology Department provides comprehensive care to all patients with kidney ailments in OPD, indoor wards and ICU patients suffering from renal problems. It also runs a dialysis unit.
- Renal Transplantation & Urology unit offers renal transplant, ESWL and various urological related surgical procedures.
- Oncology services aims to provide screening, diagnosis, and treatment for cancers affecting the hepato-pancreato-biliary system and also the digestive system.
- Pulmonary services for providing critical care in patients with liver diseases in general and pre and post transplant problems.
- Clinical Nutritional services improve patient care through appropriate nutritional support, provide basic infrastructure, and promote research related to the field of nutritional aspect of hepato-biliary diseases.
At ILBS, faculty is encouraged to participate in research activity and promote research in all branches, whether clinical, para-clinical and basic sciences. Research Department has developed the state-of-art facilities in the areas of stem cell research, proteomics, RNA technology and metabolomics for bio-marker discovery program. The research is funded by extramural grants from various national and international agencies with joint collaborations. ILBS encourages both basic and clinical research.
- Basic Research
Research relating to basic and applied sciences concerning Hepatology, hepato biiary surgery, virology, molecular biology, physiology, immunology are being promoted. The basic research at ILBS now extends to translational areas including regenerative medicine and bio-designing, pharmacogenomics, including basic research in vertical transmission of hepatitis B during pregnancy, Pharmacogenomics, Proteiomics and Metabolomics. ILBS has established a stem cell laboratory and “ILVS-NIH Laboratory of Molecular Immunology”.
- Clinical Research
The clinical research facility at ILBS conducts multi-centric, global, complex clinical trials of new therapies, molecules to meet the unmet needs of medical sciences. ILBS carries out of clinical trials in various areas like drug trials, in-house and those involving national and international projects. The disease areas in which the clinical trials are being carried out range from mild fatty liver condition to severe liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.