Pharmaceutical and Medical Consumables and Accessories Procurement, Inventory Management and Dispensing Policy- Providing and fixing frosted film at ground floor OPD, ILBS Ph-II.
- Rectification of flooring of dialysis area at 2nd floor, ILBS.
- Cleaning of Outer Walls of Main Building, ILBS.
- High Definition Recording System for Operation Theater
- Procurement of Aluminum Armed Cable 3.5 Core (150 Sq. MM ) Qty 250 R.mtr
- Installation of Fountain near emergency area, ILBS
- Tender Document for establishing Rate Contract for the Anti TPO Test and Procalcitonine (PCT)Assay test Reagents/ Kits for Fully Automated CLIA Immunoassay Kit / System (Biochemistry and Microbiology ) on reagent rental contract basis.
- Medical Equipment - Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET CT) and GAMMA CAMERA (SPECT-CT) | Price Bid | Drawing | Corrigendum ICorrigendum II | Corrigendum III | Price Bid Annexure 16(C)/1 |Corrigendum IV | Corrigendum V | Corrigendum VI
- MEDICAL EQUIPMENT – Bedside Monitor Multimodular with Central Monitor | Price Bid
- Request for Quotation for BooksRequest for Quotation for Books
- Installation Of tent for Hepatitis Day on 04th December 2015
- Providing and Fixing of Louvers for fulfilling the requirement of IGL connection in Intern's Hostel, Ph-II, ILBS
- Library Journals (Online and/or Print) | Price Bid
- Construction of Damaged Boundary Wall at Ph- II, ILBS.
- Entering into Rate Contract for the installation & maintenance of New Fully automated Immunohematology Analyzer (Blood Bank) on reagent rental contract basis.
- Establishing Rate Contract for providing Laboratory Investigation Services. | Corrigendum I
- Conventional LTE for Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for supply of Reporting Papers.
- X-Ray View Box - Triple Panel
- SITC starter panel for Fire Booster pumps installed at ILBS(Ph-1)
- Medical Equipment - Patient Warming system medical equipment | Corrigendum I
- Supply, Installation, testing & Commissioning ( SITC) of Micro-Filter & Pre-Filter , total qty 543 no.
- Regarding Calibration of Medical/ Technical Equipments Installed at ILBS.
- Replacement of sensor doors at various location of ILBS. | Corrigendum
- Development of Fountain at Emergency Porch - ILBS
- Operation & CAMC of CCTV System and CAMC of Access control system with Material At ILBS
- Tender for Infusion Pump | Corrigendum I | Corrigendum II | Corrigendum III
- Tender for Syringe Pump | Corrigendum I | Corrigendum II | Corrigendum III
- MEDICAL EQUIPMENT – Combined Generator of Ultrasonic Energy & Advance Bipolar/ RF (Radio Frequency Energy) for Cutting and Coagulation | Corrigendum I
- Establishment of Rate Contract for Providing of Cable TV Connection/ Services in ILBS | Corrigendum I
- Enter into Rate Contract for the Anti TPO Test & Procalcitonine (PCT)Assay test Reagents/ Kits for Fully Automated CLIA Immunoassay Kit / System (Biochemistry & Microbiology ) on reagent rental contract basis | Corrigendum
- LTE - Engg. Items
- Supply, fabrication, installation & Commissioning of G.I. duct for fresh air in lower basement for the fire compliances at Ph-I, ILBS
- Short Notice Tender for External Development Works (Damaged Boundary Wall)
- Tender for Medical Equipment - Bed Pan and Urinal Pot Washer.
- Establishing Rate Contract/Agreement for providing of Cable TV Connections/Services in ILBS.
- Improvement of receiving area of materials at Kitchen Block, ILBS.
- Tender Document for Medical Equipment - Thompson Retractor
- Tender Document for Medical Equipment - Bedside Monitor Multimodular with Central Monitor
- Tender Document for Medical Equipment DEEP FREEZER -80 DEG. C
- Tender Document for Medical Equipment – Thromboelastograph
- Expression of Interest for Restaurant services. Ph 2
- SITC and maintenance of IT Infrastructure | Corrigendum I Corrigendum II
- Tender for procurement of Drugs, Medicines & Consumables (Supplementary).
- Outsourcing of Maintainence Service on Manpower Contract Basis.
- Outsourcing of Security Staff | Corrigendum I
- Providing of Manpower for Housekeeping and Laundry services | Corrigendum I
- Tender for procurement of Drugs and Medicines
- Short Notice Tender - Finishing Work at 2nd Floor, ILBS.
- Procurement of Software - Transfusion Management System (1 Unit) for Blood Bank.
- Tender for Website Development and Maintenance. | Corrigendum I
- Establishing Rate Contract/Agreement for providing of Cable TV.
- Short Notice Tender - Providing and fixing stainless steel railing at Ramp of Ph-I, ILBS.
- Medical Equipment Deep Freezre 80 Deg.C.
- Short Notice Tender - Aluminium frame partition to make component room at ILBS.
- Tender for Collection & Disposal of General and Specific Engineering Waste.
- Providing and fixing stainless steel railing at Ramp of Ph-I, ILBS.
- Short Notice Tender on SITC of Pressure Gauge for 6th nos. OT ILBS, Phase-I.
- Tender- Procurement of Software - Transfusion Management System (1 Unit) for Blood Bank. | Corrigendum I
- Short Notice Tender - Creation of area for the office of WHO at ILBS.
- Short Notice Tender - Maintenance Of Rain Water Harvesting Pit.
- Short Notice Tender - SITC of Pressure gauges for 6th nos. OT
- Short Notice Tender - Maintenance of Rain Water Harvesting Pit at ILBS.
- Re-Tender for Supply, Installation,testing and Commissioning (SITC) of Hepa Filters.
- Tender for Website Development and Maintenance.
- Cleaning of Underground and overhead water storage tanks.
- Tender for Collection and disposal of General and specific Engineering Waste
- Tender for Collection and disposal of General and specific Engineering Waste
- Tender Document for Medical Equipment - Positron Emission Topography / Computed Tomography (PET CT) | Site Plan 1 | Site Plan 2 | Site Plan 3 | Corrigendum Ia | Corrigendum Ib | Corrigendum II | Corrigendum III | Corrigendum IV | Corrigendum V |
- Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment – Centrifuge Table Top 48 Tubes
- Tender Document for Refrigerated Component for Centrifuge
- Tender Document for Patient Warming System
- Tender Document for Grossing Station
- Tender Document for Blood and Fluid warmer
- Tender Document for Autopsy Table
- Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for supply of X-RAY FILMS (Make-FUJI FILM) | Corrigendum-I | Corrigendum-II
- Supply , Installation , testing and Commissioning ( SITC) of Hepa Filters,total qty 87 no.
- Establishing Rate Contract for Procurement of Semi Motorized hospital bed | Corrigendum I
- Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for supply of Laundry Consumables.
- Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for supply of House Keeping Consumables.
- Establishing and Annual Rate Contract for procurement of Local and Emergency Purchase of Drugs and Medical Surgical Consumables.
- Establishing Annual Rate Contract for Procurement of Medical Furniture.
- Establishing Rate Contract for Operation and CMC of 17 Loop Microprocessor based Intelligent Analog Addressable Fire Alarm System with material at ILBS.
- Establishing Rate Contract for providing Laboratory Investigation Services
- Offer for Insurance of ILBS Machines and Equipments
- Short Notice Tender (Creation of Lab Reception centre)
- Establishing Rate Contract for Procurement SEMI MOTORIZED HOSPITAL BED.
- Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for supply of X-Ray Films. | Corrigendum I.
- Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for the Supply of Procalcitonine(PCT) Assay Laboratory Reagents/ Kits for Fully Automated System (Microbiology) on reagent rental contract basis.
- Annual Rate Contract for Procurement of Local and Emergency Purchase.
- Establishing annual rate contract for supply of Office Stationery and Misc items for 2015 session.
- Establishing annual rate contract for supply of Linen and Liveries items for 2015 session.
- For providing of CMC of CCTV cum Access Control System with material at Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences.
- Establishing annual rate contract for supply of House Keeping Consumables.
- Establishing annual rate contract for supply of Laundry Chemicals.
- Non Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract For Public Address System
- Establishing Rate Contract for Providing Laboratory Investigation Services | Corrigendum-1
- Medical Equipment– Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET CT) | Site Plan-1 | Site Plan-2 | Site Plan-3
- Short Notice Tender (Providing Temporary shed for visitors at ILBS (Part-I)
- LTE for Procurement of 3.5 core x 150 mm copper armoured cable and 70 mm flexible cable.
- Hiring of Light Motor vehicles (Tata Indica/Indigo/Maruti Wagon R/Swift/Toyota Innova or equivalent) | Corrigendum-1
- Short Notice Tender- Calibration of Various Lab Equipments
- Tender for SITC, Maintenance and Operation of IT Infrastructure | Clarification
- LTE for Procurement of Water Meters
- Medical Equipment– Neuromuscular Monitoring Device
- Medical Equipment – Bench Top DI Electric Tube Sealer
- Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment – Centrifuge Table Top 48 Tubes
- Medical Equipment– Haemodialysis Machine | corrigendum-1
- Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment– Patient Monitor Portable | corrigendum-1
- Medical Equipment– U. V. Visible Spectrophotometer
- Short Notice Tender- R.O water test and potable water as per AAMI standard for Dialysis and drinking water
- Conventional Tender for Establishing Rate Contract for Refilling of Fire Extinguishers.
- Procurement of 3.5 core x 150 mm copper armoured cable and 70 mm flexible cable. | corrigendum1
- Establishing Annual Rate Contract for supply of Engineering Consumables items
- Establishing Rate Contract for Document Digitization | Corrigendum-I
- Establishing Rate Contract for supply of Sharp Containers.
- Short Notice Tender- Water test and potable water as per AAMI standard for dialysis and drinking water
- Providing of Group Medical Insurance to employees and their dependent family members | Non Exclusive Mandate Letter | Corrigendum-I | Corrigendum-II
- Short Tender Notice- Installation of 25 nos. New Earthing Electrodes Maintenance Free-Anti Corrosive Low Resistance High Conductivity at ILBS
- Expression of Intrest for Designing (EOI) Engineering, Procurement, Commissioning and Maintenance of Laboratory Gases Supply System for Research & Vivarium Block in ILBS Phase-II. | RVB Upper Basement Floor Layout | RVB Ground Floor Layout | RVB First Floor Layout | RVB Second Floor Layout | RVB Third Floor Layout
- Medical Equipment- Air Sampler
- Medical Equipment- Haemodynamic Monitoring System For HVPG TJLB Procedure
- Medical Equipment- Refrigerated Centrifuge For Component
- Medical Equipment- Surgical Instruments
- Medical Equipment- Imported Microscope Research Binocular
- Medical Equipment-Ulrtasound and Color Doppler Machine
- Tender Document of Table Top Centrifuge
- Tender Document of Syringe Pump
- Tender Document of Ripple Bed
- Tender Document of Patient Monitor with 4 Parameters | Corrigendum
- Tender Document of Infusion Pump
- Tender Document of Examination Light
- Tender Document of Ambulatory PCA Pump
- Medical Equipment– Haemodialysis Machine
- Procurement of Batteries 12 Volt- 100 Ah
- Procurement of Water Meters/Electro Magnetic water meters
- Establishing annual rate contract for supply of Electronic items for Phase-II,ILBS
- Tender for SITC, Maintenance and Operation of IT Infrastructure | Corrigendum | Clarification | Extension Date | Corrigendum-II
- Procurement of 3.5 core x150 mm copper armoured cable and 70 mm flexible cable
- Short Notice Tender - Creation of Transplant OPD on GF (Part-I) at ILBS
- Short Notice Tender ( Creation of Store for surgical 3rd floor at ILBS)
- Tender Document of Air Sampler
- Tender for IT Application(S) | Annexure 8.2.1 | Annexure 8.2.2 | Annexure 8.2.3 | Clarification | Corrigendum-I | Corrigendum-II
- Establishing rate contract for document of Digitization
- Establishing rate contract for supply of Sharp Containers
- Procurement of Medical Consumables and Devices | Annexure C | Annexure BII
- Procurement of Batteries 12 Volt- 100 Ah
- Establishing annual rate contract for hiring of Audio Visual Services
- Establishing annual rate contact for supply of Engineering Consumables items
- Establishing Annual Rate Contract for supply of various ELECTRONIC ITEMS
- Short Notice Tender - S.H.Creation of UPS room for MRI CT at first floor
- Medical Equipment – Video Colonoscope
- Medical Equipment-Ultrasound and Color Doppler Machine
- Medical Equipment –U. V. Visible Spectrophotometer
- Medical Equipment – Table Top Centrifuge
- Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment – SYRINGE PUMP
- Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment – RIPPLE BED
- Medical Equipment – Refrigerator with Freezer
- Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment – PULSE OXYMETER
- Medical Equipment – Patient Warming System
- Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment – Patient Monitor with 4 Parameters
- Medical Equipment- Intra Aortic Balloon Pump (LABP)
- Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment – INFUSION PUMP
- Medical Equipment- Imported Microscope Research Binocular
- Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment – DIFIBRILLATOR
- Medical Equipment – Class II Type B Biological Safety Cabinet for Chematotherapeutic Drug Preparation
- Medical Equipment – Ambulatory PCA Pump
- Medical Equipment – Blood and Fluid Warmer
- Short notice tender- Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of 3X1010 KVA, 1X30 KVA and 1X125 KVA D.G. Sets installed at ILBS
- Short notice tender- SITC of Air Purifiers for LTICU Corridor
- Tender Annual Rate contract for procurement of Local and Emergency Purchase
- Tender of Procurement of MEDICAL FURNITURE for phase-I
- Tender of Establishing Rate Contract for printing Jobs and supply for ILBS.
- Tender of Procurement of Operating Loups
- Tender of Establishing Annual Rate Contract for supply of various Electronic Items
- Tender of T-D 2014 for MEDICAL FURNITURE for PHASE-II | Corrigendum | Corrigendum II | Corrigendum III
- Tender of T-D 2014 for INTERNET BANDWIDTH
- Tender of T-D 2014 for HOSPITAL BED for PHASE-II | Corrigendum | Corrigendum II | Corrigendum III
- Conventional Limited Tender 4 Core Rmoured Copper Cables
- Short notice tender- Providing, Fabrication, Installation for Inline Excel flow Fans, GI duct at surgical ICU
- Tender of Medical Equipment- Ultrasound And Color Doppler Machine | Corrigendum I | Corrigendum II
- Tender of Medical Equipment– Ultrasound Abdominal Probe with Puncture Aattachment | Corrigendum
- Tender of Medical Equipment– U. V. Visible Spectrophotometer | Corrigendum
- Tender of Medical Equipment- Syringe Pumps | Corrigendum
- Tender of Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment–RIPPLE BED | Corrigendum
- Tender of Medical Equipment– Refrigerated Table Top Centrifuge | Corrigendum I | Corrigendum II
- Tender of Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment– Pulse Oxymeter | Corrigendum
- Tender of Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment – Patient Monitor Portable | Corrigendum
- Tender of Medical Equipment- Microscope Research Binocular | Corrigendum
- Tender of Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment–Examination Light | Corrigendum
- Tender of Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment– ECG Machine Automatic 12 Channel | Corrigendum
- Tender of Establishment of Annual Rate Contract of Medical Equipment–DIFIBRILLATOR | Corrigendum
- Tender for Medical Equipment– Class ii Type B Biological safety Cabinet For Chematotherapeutic Drug Preparation
- Tender for Medical Equipment– Cardiac Output Monitor | Corrigendum
- Tender for Medical Equitpment - Anaesthesia Depth Monitor | Corrigendum
- Short notice tender - Renovation of Toilet
- Short notice tender - Modification of HVAC works, in Radiology Area
- Short Notice Tender - Creation of Trolley Washing Area and Sludge Pit
- Tender for providing Internet Bandwidth | Corrigendum1
- Limited e- tender for procurement of Medical Furniture
- Conventional limited tender for procurement of Operating Loups
- Tender for procurement of Drugs and Medicines | Technical Bid | Financial Bid
- Conventional limited tender for procurement of Automatic Swing Door Operator
- Creation of Day Care Centre at 1st Floor (Part-II) PVC flooring.
- Procurement of 4 core Armoured Copper Cables
- Procurement of Digital Video Recording System -16 channel
- Subscription of Library Journals 2014-2015
- Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for hiring of Audio-Visual Services
- Short notice tender for creation of day care centre at Ist floor (Part-II) PVC flooring
- Tender Document of Digital Linear Accelerator | Corrigendum | Corrigendum 2
- Supply, Installation and satisfactory acceptance of HEPA FILTERS at ILBS
- Tender for Modification of laundry area at Lower Basement at ILBS
- Tender for Supply & Fixing of Modular Work Stations
- Improvement of Diesel Tank Area at ILBS
- Improvement of Diesel Tank Area at ILBS
- Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for supply of reporting Paper Roll for Ultra Sound, ECG, TMT and Defibrillator machines | Corrigendum
- General Equipment-Hospital Beds
- Procurement of HEPA FILTERS
- Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for hiring of Audio-Visual Services
- Computer Software
- Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for the Supply of various Laboratory Reagents/ Kits for Fully Automated Extraction System (Virology) on reagent rental contract basis.
- Out Sourcing of Kitchen and Cafeteria Services on rate contract basis | Corrigendum
- Establishing an annual rate contract for supply of office furniture | Corrigendum
- Establishing an annual rate contract for supply of refurbished printer cartridges
- Request for Proposal (RFP) Document for IN-BUILDING MOBILE SYSTEM
- Annual Operation And Maintenance Contract (STP) | Price Bid
- Aluminum Partition for Fibro Scan Centre at ILBS
- Providing of Group Medical Insurance for employees & their dependent family member and Professional Indemnity (Errors & Omissions) Policy for medical, paramedical, technical, nursing staff
- Video Colonoscope
- General Equipment-Hospital Beds
- Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for supply of Laboratory Consumables for 2 Years | Corrigendum1 | Corrigendum 2
- Procurement of HEPA FILTERS
- Creation of Pantry for Transplant OT staff
- Covering of Balcony of Kitchen Block
- Advanced Digital Linear Accelerator & High Dose rate (HDR) Brachy-therapy system | Corrigendum1 | Corrigendum2 | Radiotherapy Drawings of Turnkey
- Calibration of Medical/Technical equipments installed
- Creation of Pantry for Transplant OT Staff
- Short Notice Tender for creation of Daycare center at First floor(Part-1)
- Providing, Fabrication & Installation of GI duct & AHU for Laundry
- Annual Rate contract for procurement of Human Albumin 20% 100ml Glass Bottle | Technical Bid | Price Bid
- Battery operated tube sealer
- Microscope research binocular - Biheaded
- Plasma thawing bath
- Thermal patient care system
- Providing and fixing additional aluminium doors with frame in corridors at 2nd floor
- Tender for IT application(s) | Annexure 8.2.1 | Annexure 8.2.2 | Annexure 8.2.3 | Corrigendum1 | Corrigendum2 | Corrigendum3 | Clarification | Corrigendum4
- Establishing an Annual Rate Contract for supply of Liveries Items.
- Request for Proposal (RFP) Document for In-Building Mobile Signalling System |