Department of Research
The Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences is unique in nurturing a vibrant research culture in a clinical setting to ridge the gap between the bench and bedside. To fully understand the diseases that affect the “hepato-pancreato-billiary highway” it is imperative to have cutting edge technologies established at the institute in order to test hypothesis and implement ideas in a multi-disciplinary format. In this regard a major thrust areas of the department includes Genomics and Transcriptomics, Molecular Virology,Molecular Immunology, Cancer Cell Biology, Haematopietic Cell Biology and regenerative Medicine. To accelerate in these areas the department has also established a core “ILBS-NIH laboratory of Molecular Immunology” and established small animal house facility. Department is also setting up the state of the art core facilities and Tissue bank which would serve as a nodal research center in the country. The research is funded solely by extramural grants from
various national and international funding agencies. The department has also set up several international tie ups with or without funding from govt. agencies. A multidisciplinary approach is being used to address various pressing needs in the area of liver disease progression and these include: molecular immunology, identification of microRNAs by Next Generation sequencing, role of gut metagenome in gut-liver axis, proteomic and meatbolomic approaches to identify biomarkers in acute on chronic liver failure, animal models of cirrhosis and acute liver failures, role of tissue microenvironment in liver regeneration and mechanistic roles of liver degeneration such as apoptosis and cellular senescence.
Mission of the department is to “understand the molecular basis of liver disease and translating findings into clinical applications for better diagnosis, effective treatment and prevention strategies “. The three pillars of the department are basic research, discovery research and translational science. Our vision is to develop into a state of the art research centre of excellence in Liver Biology and foster strong collaboration between laboratory scientists, clinicians, and industry. In this regard the department fosters multidisciplinary scientific research activities focusing mainly on liver diseases using animal models, in vitro systems and clinical specimens . The research in the department is funded dominantly by extramural grants from various national and international funding agencies.
The main research areas of interests include:
- Mechanisms of immune paresis and sepsis in liver failure
- Mechanisms of Hepatitis B clearance and persistence
- Pathways involved in hepatic degeneration and regeneration
- Albumin biology and iron dysregulation in liver failure
- Biology of HCV and HEV
- Signalling events in alcoholic and fatty liver
- Epigenetics of immunetolearnce, cancer and HBV
- Gene editing
- Gut microbiome, metagenome and metabolome
To undertake these research activities the Department has invested in State of the Art Facility with equipment's such as :
- Next Generation Sequencers : NextSeq and MiSeq
- Flow and Imaging Core Facility
- Quadropole Mass Spectrophotometer,
- Nano- Liquid Chromatography
- Nanostring
- Bead Array
- Seahorse
National and International Recognition:
- Metabolome and Metagenomics laboratory in partnership INSERM, France .
- DST funded core Laboratory for Non-Transplant Therapeutic Strategies For Advanced Liver Disease.
- Indo-US Laboratory for Human Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) under the ageis of DBT-NIH alliance.
- ILBS-INRA (France) joint laboratory for studies liver diseases and gut microbiota.
Clinical Department Achievements
Dr. Ankit Bharadwaj
Mobile - 9717270640Email -
Presented an oral presentation at the meeting of the American Association for Study of the Liver Diseases (AASLD) 2013 held in Washington DC, USA on 4th November, 2013.
Presented an oral paper in Best of AASLD meeting held on 7th and 8th of December 2013 in Mumbai.
- Dr. N.K Ganguly, Sr. Professor
- Dr. Shiv Kumar Sarin, Sr. Professor
- Dr. Vijay Kumar, Professor
- Dr. Nirupama Trehanpati, Professor
- Dr. Gayatri Ramakrishna, Professor
- Dr. Shvetank Sharma, Associate Professor
- Dr. Anupam Kumar, Associate Professor
- Dr. Sanal Madhusudan Girija, Associate Professor
- Dr. Savneet Kaur, Associate Professor
- Dr. Guresh Kumar, Consultant (Statistics)
- Dr. Sukriti, Assistant Professor (Molecular Biology)
- Dr. Jaswinder Singh Maras, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Dinesh Mani Tripathi, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Krushnarvind Babalbhai Patel, Chief Veterinary Officer
- Dr. Anupma Kumari, Veterinary Officer