Message From Academics Cell

Message from Academics Cell

The Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS), New Delhi is both the youngest and the newest addition to an already existing network of medical universities or deemed universities in India: but with a difference. Our very foundation was laid with a vision of not only providing quality medical education but also to become an international centre of excellence in affordable clinical care, while providing an advanced training and experimential environment to pursue path breaking research to chart out new frontiers in liver, biliary and allied sciences.

The academic curriculum thus incoroporates teaching methods at ILBS designed to enable the medical professionals to introspect, think critically and pursue projects to become conversant with sound medical principles and the best practices in liver and biliary diseases. To meet the challenging educational objective, ILBS has made a beginning by initiating DM in Hepatology, MCh in Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery and Ph.D in Biomedical Sciences in 2010. To further these objectives, ILBS has begun DM. in Organ Transplant Anaesthesia and Critical Care and DM in Paediatric Hepatology in 2013. ILBS has developed a facility and faculty of international standards, which provides a comprehensive and state of the art setup for diagnosis and treatment, and serves as an advanced centre for dedicated research and a resource for advanced training in the field of liver and biliary diseases.

The expanding additional physical infrastructure under construction in the existing campus is in tune with the rapid progress on the academic front. We intend to achieve the goal of making medical education in liver and biliary diseases, along with their remedies, an instrument of holistic health. For those of us at ILBS, it is our sincere and earnest hope that we would be able to live up to the expectations of patients, the medical fraternity and thus the people of our country and the world

  • To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.
    -Albert Einstein
  • Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
    -Mahatma Gandhi

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