Academic Committee Description

Academic Committee Description

  • Academic Council

    The Academic Council is the principal Academic body of the ILBS, which is responsible for the maintenance of standards of education, teaching and training, inter-department co-ordination, research, examinations and tests within the Institute; and exercises such other powers and performs such other duties and functions as may be prescribed or conferred upon it by the rules and bye-laws.

  • Student Grievance Committee

    This committee is for redressal of students grievance related to academic and non-academic matters such as assessment, examination, victimization, attendance, harassment by fellow students or teachers etc.

  • Anti Ragging Committee

    This committee will ensure compliance with the provisions of UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of Ragging in the Higher Education Institution 2009 and its amendments time to time.

  • Students Counseling Unit

    The Students Counseling Unit will provide effective redressal of problems & challenges faced by students and also bridge formal as well as communicative gaps between the students and the institution at large.

  • Examination Committee

    This committee is formed to ensure the validity and reliability of the Examination so as to incorporate necessary checks at different stages to hold the examination effectively.

  • Anti Discrimination Cell

    The members shall oversee steps to prevent any kind of discrimination at campus on the basis of gender, race, caste, marital or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age or disability

  • Gender Sensitization cell

    The Committee will deal with the complaints of gender based violence and conduct gender sensitization programme.


    Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) is constituted to guide and facilitate clinical and basic research work. The SAC advises and Governing Council on policy matters. The Committee monitors progress and facilitates in –depth exchange of views in specific fields. The Committee evolves the Scientific and Technical Vision Documents for the Institute, reviews them periodically and takes further course of action as deemed fit for further scientific and Technological research of the Institute.

  • Scientific Research Review Board

    To approve, monitor and review Research Projects submitted by DM/M.Ch and PhD Residents/Students and PDCC students.


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