
Trainees in Interventional Radiology Department(Duration: Jan’2019 to till date)
S. No. Name of Trainee Status/ Affiliation/ Designation Department Period of Training Alumni No. Photo
1 Dr. Niyati Sharma Student Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, India Interventional Radiology 16.03.2019 to 31.03.2019 ILBS/IR/Intern/01
2 Dr. Tejeshwar Singh Jugpal Consultant, Interventional Radiologist, Indus International Hospital Interventional Radiology 06.02.2020 to 19.02.2020 ILBS/IR/Intern/02
3 Dr. Sushant Agarwal Assistant Professor, Assam Medical Collage, Assam Interventional Radiology 30.08.2021 to 08.09.2021 ILBS/IR/Intern/03
4 Dr. Amit Ajit Deshpande Sr. Resident, DM – Cardiovascular Radiology & Endovascular Interventions, AIIMS, New Delhi Interventional Radiology 21.02.2022 to 06.03.2022 ILBS/IR/Intern/04
5 Dr. Bala Krishna Aggipothu Sr. Resident, DNB – Interventional Radiology, St. Johns Medical College and Hospital, Karamamgala, Bangalore Interventional Radiology 26.06.2023 To 02.07.2023 ILBS/IR/Intern/05


OBSERVERSHIP/HAND ON TRAINING(Other Department)(Duration: till 2022)
S. No. Name of Trainee Status/ Affiliation/ Designation Department/ Type of Training Application status Nation Period of Training Alumni No. Photo
1 Dr. Zubaida Rasool Assistant Professor, Hepatopathology Observership Complete India 06.02.2011 to 26.03.2011 ILBS/Hepatopathology/NT/01
2 Dr.Itishree Trivedi MD Biochemistry Complete India September 2011 ILBS/Biochemistry/NT/01
3 Dr. Purvi Mathur MD (Pathology) University Collage of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital, New Delhi Pathology Complete India 19.11.2019 to 03.12.2019 ILBS/pathology/NT/09
4 Dr. Shankarnath S Sr. Resident, MS (General Surgery) Pravara Rural Medical Collage, Loni, Maharashtra HPB-Surgery Complete India 21.06.2021 to 03.07.2021 ILBS/Surgery/NT/10
5 Dr. Mansi Faujdar Consultant, Gastroenterology, Pathology, Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital. Jaipur Pathology Observership Complete India 05.01.2022 to 04.02.2022 ILBS/Pathology.NT/13
6 Dr.A.Hareesh Sr. Resident, DM – Critical Care Medicine, AIIMS, Jodhpur Anaesthesia Observership Complete India 10.02.2022 to 25.02.2022 ILBS/Anaesthesia/NT/14
7 Dr.Anvin Mathew Sr. Resident, M.Ch. (Gastroenterology Surgery) AIIMS, Rishikesh HPB–Surgery Complete India 05.01.2022 To 08.01.2022 AND 25.04.2022 To 19.05.2022 ILBS/Surgery/NT/15
8 Ms. Kanika Jain M.Sc.–Nutrition and Dietetics, Manav Rachna University Clinical Nutrition(Internship) Complete India 03.01.2022 to 31.05.2022 ILBS/Nutrition/NT/16


Interns in MCM Department of ILBS Duration: Jan’2013 to till Year 2023
S. No. Name of Trainee Status/ Affiliation/ Designation Department Period of Training Alumni No. Photo
1 Ms. Sakshi Mishra M.Sc. (Biotechnology) IFTM University, Moradabad MCM 22.01.2013 to 21.03.2013 ILBS/MCM/Intern/01
2 Mr. Anil Kumar M.Sc. (Biotechnology), S.M.U. MCM 13.02.2013 to 12.03.2013 ILBS/MCM/Intern/02
3 Ms. Swati Chouhan B.Sc (H) Medical Biotechnology, Amity University MCM 18.30.2013 to 31.05.2013 ILBS/MCM/Intern/03
4 Ms. Priya Gupta B.Sc. (H) Medical biotechnology, Amity University MCM 1803.2013 to 31.05.2013 ILBS/MCM/Intern/04
5 Ms. Ekta Gupta B.Sc. (Biotechnology), Amity University, Noida (U.P.) MCM 18.03.2013 to 31.05.2013 ILBS/MCM/Intern/05        
6 Ms. Komal Yadav Student, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal MCM 17.01.2014 to 16.07.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/06
7 Mr. Sunil Dutta M.Sc. (Biotechnology), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (U.P.) MCM 19.08.2014 to 18.09.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/07
8 Ms.Juhi Khurana M.Sc. (Biochemistry), School of Biochemistry, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, M.P. MCM 01.01.2014 to 30.06.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/08
9 Ms. Komal Rawat M.Sc. (Biochemistry), School of Biochemistry, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, M.P. MCM 01.01.2014 to 30.06.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/09
10 Ms. Mukta Goel Student of Amity University Noida MCM 01.05.2014 to 25.06.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/10
11 Ms. Charvi Syal Student of Amity University MCM 06.05.2014 to 21.06.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/11
12 Ms. Tanvi Ahuja Student of Amity University, Noida. MCM 09.05.2014 to 20.06.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/12
13 Ms. Poorna Khanna Student of Amity University, Noida. MCM 09.05.2014 to 20.06.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/13
14 Ms. Mahi Tyagi Student of Jaipur national University MCM 03.06.2014 to 02.07.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/14
15 Ms. Amrapali Student of Amity University, Gurgaon MCM 03.06.2014 to 02.07.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/15
16 Ms. Kirti Singh Intern, Research, Amity University MCM 06.05.2014 to 05.07.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/16
17 Mr. Karan Vir  Goenka Tainee, Research, University of Texas at Dallas MCM 01.07.2014 to 01.08.2014 ILBS/MCM/Intern/17
18 Ms. Mukhta Goel B.Tech (Biotechnology), Amity Institute of Biotechnology MCM 15.02.2016 to 07.04.2016 ILBS/MCM/Intern/18
19 Ms. Simran Gothwal M.Sc (Stem Cell Sciences and Technology), Amity University, U.P. MCM 17.05.2018 to 30.06.2018 ILBS/MCM/Intern/19
20 Jyotsna Student Amity University of Biotechnology, India MCM 04.02.2019 to 06.04.2019 ILBS/MCM/Intern/20
21 Anjali Student Amity University of Biotechnology, India MCM 04.02.2019 to 06.04.2019 ILBS/MCM/Intern/21
22 Ankita Das Student Amity Institute of Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research, India MCM 01.02.2019 to 30.06.2019 ILBS/MCM/Intern/22
23 Nisha Kumari Student Amity Institute of Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research, India MCM 04.02.2019 to 03.07.2019 ILBS/MCM/Intern/23
24 Ayushi Srivastava Student Amity Institute of Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research, India MCM 04.02.2019 to 03.07.2019 ILBS/MCM/Intern/24  
25 Arundhiti Molecular Science medicine, Amity University, Noida, UP MCM 04.06.2019 to 18.07.2019 ILBS/MCM/Intern/25
26 Harpreet Kaur Molecular Science medicine, Amity University, Noida, UP MCM 04.06.2019 to 18.07.2019 ILBS/MCM/Intern/26
27 Aditi Chouhan Stem Cell Research, Amity University, Noida,UP MCM 20.05.2019 to 02.07.2019 ILBS/MCM/Intern/27
28 Simran Kumari Stem Cell Research, Amity University, Noida,UP MCM 20.05.2019 to 03.07.2019 ILBS/MCM/Intern/28
29 Dr. Kolhe Kailash Marotrao DM–Gastroenterology LTMMC and GH,Sion, Mumbai MCM 05.01.2020 to 18.01.2020 ILBS/MCM/Intern/29
30 Ms. Priyanka Apeejay Sataya University MCM 02.09.2020 to 28.02.2021 ILBS/MCM/Intern/30
31 Ms. Avantika Tripathi Amity University, Haryana MCM 07.01.2021 to 07.05.2021 ILBS/MCM/Intern/31
32 Ms. Greesham Tripathi Amity University, Haryana MCM 07.01.2021 to 07.05.2021 ILBS/MCM/Intern/32
33 Ms. Shreya Singh Amity University, Noida,UP MCM 15.01.2021 to 04.07.2021 ILBS/MCM/Intern/33
34 Ms. Vrinda Joshi Amity University, Noida,UP MCM 15.01.2021 to 04.07.2021 ILBS/MCM/Intern/34
35 Ms. Shubhi Arora Apeejay Stya University, Sohna, Gurgaon MCM 01.02.2021 to 01.08.2021 ILBS/MCM/Intern/35
36 Ms. Sanya Sachdeva Amity University, Noida,UP MCM 26.02.2021 to 15.06.2021 ILBS/MCM/Intern/36
37 Mr. Kunal Tiwari Amity University, Noida,UP MCM 01.09.2021 to 30.10.2021 ILBS/MCM/Intern/37
38 Mr. Ricky Seldon Amity University, Noida, UP MCM 01.09.2021 to 30.10.2021 ILBS/MCM/Intern/38
39 Ms. Vibha Taneja Amity University, Noida, UP MCM 01.09.2021 to 30.10.2021 ILBS/MCM/Intern/39
40 Ms. Prerna Verma B.Sc. (Biotechnology) Galgotias University, Greater Noida,UP MCM 23.07.2022 to 22.09.2022 ILBS/MCM/Intern/40
41 Mr. Rahul Kumar Singh Master’s Degree in MM&SCT Amity University MCM 01.02.2023 to 30.07.2023 ILBS/MCM/Intern/41
42 Ms. Vibhuti R. Jakhmola M.Sc. Molecular Cancer Biology, Amity Institute of MMSCR MCM 12.01.2023 to 20.05.2023 ILBS/MCM/Intern/42
43 Ms. Shivi Chauhan M.Sc. Molecular Cancer Biology, Amity Institute of MMSCR MCM 12.01.2023 to 20.05.2023 ILBS/MCM/Intern/43
44 Ms. Prerna Verma B.Sc.-Biotechnology Galgotias University MCM 22.02.2023 to 22.06.2023 ILBS/MCM/Intern/44
45 Ms. Simran Sharma M.Sc. – Biotechnology, Gautam Buddha University MCM 22.01.2023 to 30.06.2023 ILBS/MCM/Intern/45
46 Ms. Elizabeth John M. Tech. (Biochemistry), National Institute of Technology, Rourkela MCM 31.05.2023 to 21.07.2023 ILBS/MCM/Intern/46
47 Ms. Zenoo Nazat Lateef Shaikhan M.Sc. Molecular Medicine and Steam Cell Technology (MM&SCT) at Amity University MCM 15.07.2023 To 14.09.2023 ILBS/MCM/Intern/47


Interns in Microbiology Department of ILBS((Duration: Jan’2010 to till Year 2022)
S. No. Name of Trainee Status/ Affiliation/ Designation Department Period of Training Alumni No. Photo
1 Ms. Shradha Kusum B.Sc (H) Microbiology, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Science (Formerly Allahabad Agriculture Institute, Allahbad ) Microbiology 01.07.2010 to 30.07.2010 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/01
2 Mr. Amit Kumar Jaiswal Student BIMR Collage of Professional Studies, Gwalior Microbiology Feb’2014 to June’2014 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/02
3 Mr Amit Kumar M.Sc. (Microbiology), Birla Institute of Medical Research, Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P.) Microbiology 01.02.2014 to 30.06.2014 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/03  
4 Ms. Indu Pandey (Microbiology), St. Xavier CollegeKokata Microbiology 01.06.2016 to 30.07.2016 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/04
5 Ms. Himanshi Suri M.Sc. (Microbiology), Amity Universiity Microbiology 01.06.2017 to 30.06.2017 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/05
6 Ms. Renu Singh M.Sc. (Biotechnology), I.T.S. Paramedical College, Ghaziabad, U.P. Microbiology 10.02.2017 to 15.06.2017 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/06
7 Ms. Shiva Dwivedi M.Sc. (Microbiology), D.A.V. College Civil lines, Kanpur Microbiology 06.06.2018 to 05.09.2018 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/07
8 Ms. Samradhi M.Sc. (Microbiology), D.A.V. College Civil lines, Kanpur Microbiology 06.06.2018 to 05.09.2018 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/08
9 Ms. Tanu Gautam M.Sc. (Microbiology), D.A.V. College Civil lines, Kanpur Microbiology 06.06.2018 to 05.09.2018 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/09
10 Ms. Sakshi Sharma M.Sc. (Microbiology), D.A.V. College Civil lines, Kanpur Microbiology 06.06.2018 to 05.09.2018 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/10  
11 Ms. Huma kausar M.Sc. (Microbiology), D.A.V. College Civil lines, Kanpur Microbiology 06.06.2018 to 05.09.2018 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/11
12 Pankaj Kumar Student University Institute of Biotechnology, Chandigarh University, India Microbiology 09.06.2019 to 09.07.2019 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/12  
13 Richa Garg Biotechnology, Banasthali Vidyapeeth Microbiology 22.05.2019 to 22.06.2019 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/13
14 Rashmi Jammoria University Institute of Biotechnology, Chandigarh Unvirsity Microbiology 01.10.2019 to 01.12.2019 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/14
15 Ms. Anmol Kumar B.Sc. Microbiology, Lovely Professional University Microbiology 19.12.2019 to 06.01.2020 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/15
16 Mr.Varnit Chauhan, Biochemistry, Gautam Budhha University Microbiology 08.07.21 to 07.08.21 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/16
17 Ms.Komal Chhikara MSc.Microbiology, Amity University, Noida Uttar Pradesh Microbiology 12.07.21 to 15.08.21 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/17
18 Ms. Shrreya Siingh M.Sc. (Life Sciences) NIT, Rourkela Microbiology 18.05.2022 to 18.07.2022 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/18
19 Ms. Deepti B.Sc. (Hon.) Biotechnology Amity University, Noida MCM Microbiology 01.06.2022 to 15.07.2022 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/19
20 Ms. Jyotika Jaspal B.Sc. (Hon.) Biotechnology Amity University, Noida MCM Microbiology 01.06.2022 to 15.07.2022 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/20
21 Ms. Muskan Sharma M.Tech. (Biochemistry) Gautam Budhha University, Greater Noida, UP Microbiology 01.07.2022 to 24.08.2022 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/21
22 Ms. Rashmi Nigam M.Tech. (Biochemistry) Gautam Budhha University, Greater Noida, UP Microbiology 01.07.2022 to 24.08.2022 ILBS/Microbiology/Intern/22


Interns in Biochemistry Department of ILBS(Duration: Jan’2010 to till Year 2022)
S. No. Name of Trainee Status/ Affiliation/ Designation Department Period of Training Alumni No. Photo
1 Mr. Sudhir Kumar Joon B-Tech Biotechnology, Lovely Professional University Jalandhar, panjab Biochemistry Jan’2011 to Apr’2011 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/01
2 Ms. Ritika Rampal M.Sc. Biotechnology  Amity University Biochemistry Feb’2012 to July’2012 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/02
3 Ms. Dolly Rani Biochemistry, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore Biochemistry Jan’2014 to June’ 2014 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/03
4 Ms. Harmeen Kaur B.Tech (Biotechnology), Amity Institute of Biotechnology Biochemistry 15.02.2016 to 07.04.2016 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/04
5 Mr. Hidam Ashinikumar Singh M.Sc. (Animal Biotechnology), Bharathidasan University, Trichy Biochemistry 04.01.2016 to 22.04.2016 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/05
6 Ms. Pallavi Parashar B.Sc. (H), Biotechnology, AAmity University, M.P. Biochemistry 16.02.2016 to 16.04.2016 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/06
7 Ms. Nancy Gupta B.Sc (H), Biotechnology, Amity University, M.P. Biochemistry 16.02.2016 to 16.04.2016 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/07
8 Mr. Sinam Ibotombi Singh M.Sc. (Animal Biotechnology), Bharathidasan Univesity Biochemistry 11.01.2016 to 22.04.2016 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/08
9 Ms. Raveena Bansal B.Tech (Biotechnology), Amity University Biochemistry 16.05.2018 to 06.07.2018 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/9
10 Shubham Sundaram Student Amity University of Biotechnology, India Biochemistry 04.02.2019 to 03.04.2019 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/10
11 Bidhan Chandra Das Student of Amity University of Biotechnology, India Biochemistry 04.02.2019 to 03.04.2019 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/11
12 Preeti Biotechnology, amity Institute of Technology Biochemistry 15.05.2019 to 05.07.2019 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/12
13 Mr.Ricky Seldon Amity University, Noida, UP Biochemistry 15.02.2021 to 31.03.2021 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/13
14 Mr.Kunal Tiwari Amity University, Noida, UP Biochemistry 15.02.2021 to 31.03.2021 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/14
15 Mr.Subham Choudhary Amity University, Noida, UP Biochemistry 01.03.2021 to 31.03.2021 ILBS/Biochemistry/Intern/15


Interns in Hepatology Department of ILBS (Duration: Jan’2010 to till Year 2022)
S. No. Name of Trainee Status/ Affiliation/ Designation Department Period of Training Alumni No. Photo
1 Ms. Hasib Anjum B.Sc. MLT of Sikkim Manipal University Hepatology 21.02 2011 to 29.08.2011 ILBS/Hepatology/Intern/01
2 Ms. Naincy Bhalla Student of Thapar University, Patiala Hepatology 16.06.2012 to 17.12.2012 ILBS/Hepatology/Intern/02
3 Ms. Supriya Student of Thapar University Hepatology 18.06.2012 to 17.12.2012 ILBS/Hepatology/Intern/03  
4 Ms. Surbhi Kalra   Hepatology 01.08.2014 to 31.01.2015 ILBS/Hepatology/Intern/04
5 Mr. Shashank Gupta   Hepatology 01.08.2014 to 31.01.2015 ILBS/Hepatology/Intern/05


Interns in Virology Department of ILBS (Duration: Jan’2010 to till Year 2023)
S. No. Name of Trainee Status/ Affiliation/ Designation Department/ Type of Training Application status Nation Period of Training Alumni No. Photo
1 Ms. Manjita Srivastav PhD Student, gastroenterology, Banaras Hindu University Virology Complete India 14.09.2010 to 13.10.2010 ILBS/Virology/Intern/01
2 Ms. Sweta Mohan M.Sc. Biotechnology of Amity University Noida Virology Complete India March’2011 to August’ 2011 ILBS/Virology/Intern/02
2 Ms. Ayushi Tiwari Intern, Virology, Amity University Virology Complete India 06.05.2014 to 05.07.2014 ILBS/Virology/Intern/03
4 Ms. Aaina Singh Rathore Trainee, Virology, Amity University Virology Complete India 06.05.2014 to 05.07.2014 ILBS/Virology/Intern/04
5 Ms. Kriti Atrishi B. tech – Nanotechnology Virology Complete India 15.05.2015 to 15.06.2015 ILBS/Virology/Intern/05
6 Ms. Mitali Shrivastava M.Sc. (Virology), Department of virology, Amity University Virology Complete India 22.05.2017 to 30.06.2017 ILBS/Virology/Intern/06
7 Ms. Uthara Devi M.Sc. (Virology), Department of virology, Amity University Virology Complete India 22.05.2017 to 30.06.2017 ILBS/Virology/Intern/07
8 Mr.Amir Mohammad Arsh, Biochemistry, Gautam Budhha University Virology Complete India 05.07.21 to 04.08.21 ILBS/Virology/Intern/08
9 Ms.Suhana Mishra, Biochemistry, Gautam Budhha University Virology Complete India 05.07.21 to 04.08.21 ILBS/Virology/Intern/09
10 Ms. Shweta Sharma M.Sc. – Industrial Microbiology, UIBT, Chandigarh, Gharuan, Mohali Virology Complete India 28.06.2022 to 28.07.2022 ILBS/Virology/Intern/10
11 Ms. Sonali Lalwani B.Sc. (Biotechnology), Manipal University Virology Complete India 14.06.2023 to 13.07.2023 ILBS/Virology/Intern/11

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